Spongebob Season 2 - Relived

You know what's interesting about Spongebob?
They have all this creepy shit stored with them.
At least they say so.
Guys, Spongebob's Fresh Start isn't fucking real, and neither is Red Mist (or Squidward's Suicide).
Here's the REAL scariest episode of Spongebob,
So, there was a six-month delay between Spongebob Squarepants Season 1, and Season 2. During then, I was chatting with my friends through MSN and playing Pokemon on my GameBoy (the one that caused all the suicides, I even killed myself over it, or at least TRIED to.) Anyways, Season 2's first episode launched on October 25th, 2000. I got it exactly on that day, most of the entire population of the Earth weren't alert enough about it, so only about ten people got Season 2's legitimate first episode.
So I inserted the game cartridge, oh wait fuck I wrote the wrong thing, I'm just gonna cross this out so no one realizes this story is shit fiction cassette into my VCR and there was static. OH NO STATIC. SO SCARY IM PEED MYSELF
So anyway, the episode started, and it was just like the October 26th edit, except the quality was so fucking terrible it was hard to make out what was going on (I could because I had some paranormal vision or some shit) and Tubular Bells badly played on a piano in the background. It was so scary, that I called for my mum, even though I live with my grandmother in her loft. Fuck me. Anyways, what was new was that the episode only went for about three minutes, before cutting off. After ten seconds, I was given a Benny Hill screamer. I died of a heart attack it was so scary. FUCKING HELL, THAT'S THE SECOND FUCKING TIME I DIED IN MY LIFE, FUCK.
Anyways, after the screamer, and after I woke up without logical explanation, the episode cut off again. It started playing the hidden frequencies of the Lavender Town theme, and it was so fucking hypnotic that I killed myself. THIRD TIME I FUCKING DIED IN MY LIFE. The end.
I also have an explanation why Wikipedia and Nickelodeon didn't mention that episode. Because they wanted to keep it a secret. Out of the ten people, six killed themselves and four went into a spaz screaming "BENNY! BENNY BENNY IN MY HELL!" (totally didn't steal that from Wormparty.ogg) so Nickelodeon made sure that nobody would know about it, and they released the edited version the next day. The real end.